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Boy kidnapped and gang-raped


5 comments on “Boy kidnapped and gang-raped

    1. Hilarious, actually.
      If you were capable of investigating the objective facts (e g toxicity, coroners report ,
      Police reports, etc) of that rotten degenerate Matthew Sheppard, then you would know he was a methed out junkie that owed plenty $ to dealers. Objective reality. Rumor is he was horrible to his mother as well. But either way, Sheppard’s death was a net positive for everyone. I bet that You probably “support ukraine” too, dipshit. Learn to read.

  1. Hilarious, actually.
    If you were capable of investigating the objective facts (e g toxicity, coroners report ,
    Police reports, etc) of that rotten degenerate Matthew Sheppard, then you would know he was a methed out junkie that owed plenty $ to dealers. Objective reality. Rumor is he was horrible to his mother as well. But either way, Sheppard’s death was a net positive for everyone. I bet that You probably “support ukraine” too, dipshit. Learn to read.

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